If you are saddled with a lot of debt it’s likely that you got there by spending lots of money on lots of stuff you didn’t really need. To get out of debt, consider putting some of that stuff to work for you. For years now, people have been turning to strangers to rent and …
Happy Thanksgiving!
Take one day of the year to be thankful for the great people you know, and forget about how much you owe. Tomorrow, those creditors of yours will still be turkeys.
SaveUp Rewards You for Digging Out of Debt
It never ceases to amaze how many great online resources there are to help people get out of debt and save money. It’s a shame that it is almost impossible to wade through them all and pick out the ones that are really worth the time to use. But we’ve found one website that should …
Use Holidays to Buy Cheap Food
With Thanksgiving coming up next week and Christmas just around the corner, grocery stores are going out of their way to make sure that you set your holiday table from their shelves. That means steep discounts on everything from candied yams to figgy pudding. Well maybe not figgy pudding, but they are baiting shoppers with …
Redeem Rewards Points for a Cash-Free Christmas
The holiday shopping season is here, and Christmas is a prime culprit in getting people into debt. Lavish gift-giving with no thought to how those shopping sprees are going to be paid for leads people into having credit card bills that follow them from one December to the next. So to get out of debt, …
The End of Subsidized Grad School Loans
Student loan reform has been a major policy initiative of the Obama administration and most of the changes made to these programs have been advantageous to borrowers. But a change that goes into effect in July of next year needs closer examination to know if it’s a good thing for student loan borrowers needing to …
Happy Halloween. Now Face your Financial Fears!
October 31st is they day we pay tribute to witches, vampires, zombies and all manner of terrifying things that go bump in the night. Too bad the real scary things go bump in your mailbox. Big bills, past-due notices, collection letters and credit card statements that make you wish you were simply warding off a …
CFPB Offers New Student Loan Help
The mission of the new federal Consumer Financial Protection Bureau is to make financial markets work better for ordinary Americans. Now that total outstanding student loan debt is over one trillion dollars and exceeds total credit card debt, it only makes sense that this agency will put student debt squarely in its sights. To assist …
No matter how frugal you want to be, there’s always going to be the need to shop for goods and services that you need. The trick is getting value for your money and in the Internet age it’s easier than ever to comparison shop with the help of online advice. That’s where one of our new …
Bank Transfer Day is Two Weeks Away
To get out of debt you have to stop your money leaks, seemingly small expenses that add up to big money over time. Bank fees have always been money leaks, but now that big national banks are gouging their customers for more and more cash (like the recently announced $5 monthly fee that Bank of …