Don’t Forget to Save
No matter how badly you want to get out of debt, not every extra penny you make should go towards paying off debt. Regardless of how much in hock you are to your credit card companies and student lenders, you need to have some of your income dedicated to savings in some form. Believe it or …
Make This One Resolution
Happy New Year 2012! In the off chance that the world doesn’t end this year, you’ll want to use this clean slate moment to help reach your goal of being debt-free. But just like that other stock resolution, losing weight, shedding debt is easier said than done and your resolve can start to wane well …
Convert Your Gift Cards to Cash
When it comes to your plan on how to get out of debt, the real secret is you have to go all-in. That means fully comitting yourself to paying off your bills, even when more tempting indulgences can be easily had.And since we’re using poker terminology, let’s talk about the card game. The gift card …
Get a Pet, Go Into Debt
Having a pet is expensive. If you want to understand just how much money we spend on Fido and Fifi, just look at the infographic below. A staggering $50.8 billion went to the care and feeding of our furry and feathered friends, more than children’s dental care. In a time of 9% unemployment and trillion dollar …
Check Your Receipts and Statements
Take a cue from Santa when doing your Christmas shopping. Just like he makes his list and checks it twice, you need to go over your store receipts and credit card/bank statements with a fine-toothed comb. Problems with Brick-and-Mortar Store Purchases Stores are incredibly busy throughout the holiday rush and most are employing part-time, seasonal …
Need Money For Christmas, Fast?
Christmas is fast approaching and that means it’s time to get your gift buying into high gear. Being in debt is no reason to cancel Christmas, but you have to be smart about your spending. That means having a frugal plan for what you are going to spend and NOT going directly to the credit cards when …
Jay-Z on Taxing the Rich
Hip-Hop living legend Jay-Z is as good at moving between the two Americas as well as anyone in modern pop culture. The multimillionaire rapper and all-around mogul is firmly in the 1%, but his image and earnings are still very much dependent on his rags-to-riches story and ability to connect with the streets. (And we don’t mean Wall Street.) …
PocketSmith Personal Finance Software
There’s such a plethora of web-based personal finance software that we can almost devote our entire blog to them. (And sometimes it seems that we are.) But, because each one has a slightly different spin on managing your money and personal preferences and proclivities are a big part of staying on top of your finances, …
How to Ask For a Raise
If you are like most working stiffs, the way you make money is to trade your time and effort to your employer for a paycheck. And if you can’t keep up with your bills then you need to make more money. Unfortunately, since you can’t get more time than anyone else the next best thing …