It never ceases to amaze how many great online resources there are to help people get out of debt and save money. It’s a shame that it is almost impossible to wade through them all and pick out the ones that are really worth the time to use.
But we’ve found one website that should jump to the top of your queue:
SaveUp is a free (yes, we really like free) service that gives you credits for saving money and paying down debt. Those credits can then be used for the chance to earn cash and other prizes.
To use SaveUp you simply link your online bank and credit card accounts to the service so they can monitor your financial progress. Credits are issued automatically. You can then use those credits to win rewards, up to a $2,000,000 jackpot.
Now that’s some debt-busting cash. With one payment or one deposit you could potentially win enough money to be debt-free for life.
You can also get credits by watching personal finance videos on SaveUp, referring friends to the site and completing your profile information.
What’s the catch? There really isn’t any. The site makes money through sponsored prizes and kickbacks from partner recommendations based on your financial information. In this regard they are similar to another of our favorite free financial tools, Mint.
It would be interesting to know how SaveUp prevents people from gaming the system, but that’s their problem and not yours.
If you are serious about getting out of debt you absolutely must take advantage of this free service. It’s well worth the investment of time to set up, you can have fun tracking your goals and win real gift cards, cash or prizes.