There’s no shortage of websites devoted to helping you manage your finances and get out of debt. The good news is that we catalog them as fast as we hear about them, and you can judge which (if any) have a sales pitch that you find appealing. The newest entrant is SavvyMoney. SavvyMoney keeps track …
Category: websites
PocketSmith Personal Finance Software
There’s such a plethora of web-based personal finance software that we can almost devote our entire blog to them. (And sometimes it seems that we are.) But, because each one has a slightly different spin on managing your money and personal preferences and proclivities are a big part of staying on top of your finances, …
SaveUp Rewards You for Digging Out of Debt
It never ceases to amaze how many great online resources there are to help people get out of debt and save money. It’s a shame that it is almost impossible to wade through them all and pick out the ones that are really worth the time to use. But we’ve found one website that should …
CFPB Offers New Student Loan Help
The mission of the new federal Consumer Financial Protection Bureau is to make financial markets work better for ordinary Americans. Now that total outstanding student loan debt is over one trillion dollars and exceeds total credit card debt, it only makes sense that this agency will put student debt squarely in its sights. To assist …
No matter how frugal you want to be, there’s always going to be the need to shop for goods and services that you need. The trick is getting value for your money and in the Internet age it’s easier than ever to comparison shop with the help of online advice. That’s where one of our new …