Now What? (Getting Out of Debt)

Getting out of debt is not an easy task. First you have to recognize that you are in debt – and then you’ll need to do something about it. Many of us never get past the recognition part. We just live day in and day out – paycheck to paycheck, buying and charging without a …

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How Feasible is Buying to Rent Right Now?

News about record-breaking mortgage rates has become the norm lately. And if you’re following that news, you know that the average 30-year fixed rate mortgage rate just dropped again to 3.75 percent. With all of these reminders about how inexpensive it can be to finance a new home these days, it wouldn’t be out of …

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The Importance of a Contractor Accountant

More and more people are becoming self-employed during such difficult economic times. Monies are tight but by going solo you can enjoy tax efficiency, flexibility and greater earnings. If you are considering becoming a freelancer, or you have recently taken the plunge, it is vital that you do everything by the book and manage your …

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Elderly Could Claim Back Money Used to Pay for Care

Thousands of elderly people across the UK are eligible to claim back care home fees which they shouldn’t have paid out. If a person has a serious, long-term health condition they could qualify for the NHS Continuing Healthcare scheme and essentially this means the government funds the full cost of care including accommodation and nursing …

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The Rising Cost of Electricity

With many of the other goods and services in the world, electricity costs are also rising. There really are a number of factors that have been contributing to the rise in energy costs, which will be detailed below. The first would simply just be tied to the world economy in its current state. As the …

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5 Ways to be Financially Savvy in Summer

Ah summer.. I love it! Out comes the golf clubs, the grill and the summer wear! There isn’t too much to dislike about this time of year. There are also plenty of ways to stay financially savvy too! Here are 5 that can you help you jumpstart your finances and get you off to a …

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Repairing Your Credit Rating

Dealing with bad debt is never easy, but it is possible. With a little hard work and some dedication to getting things back on track, it can be done. One of the first places to start is to take a look at your current accounts. With late fees or overdraft fees, you can run into …

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Recognizing the Problem (Your Debt) 1/5

Before I decided to get out of debt, I was living a pretty delusional life of high-interest cash advances, credit cards and spendthrift ways. I was basically in denial of my debt and unable to recognize I even had a problem. Now, I am no dummy even though I have done some pretty stupid things …

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Series on Getting Out of Debt

Over the next few weeks, we would like to do a 5-part series on the steps you need to take to get out of debt. We believe that by following through in these areas, you will be able to face your debt head-on and find yourself on the road from debt-broke to debt-free! Our series …

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