Category: Video

Renting Your Stuff Out for Extra Cash

If you are saddled with a lot of debt it’s likely that you got there by spending lots of money on lots of stuff you didn’t really need. To get out of debt, consider putting some of that stuff to work for you. For years now, people have been turning to strangers to rent and …

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Happy Halloween. Now Face your Financial Fears!

October 31st is they day we pay tribute to witches, vampires, zombies and all manner of terrifying things that go bump in the night. Too bad the real scary things go bump in your mailbox. Big bills, past-due notices, collection letters and credit card statements that make you wish you were simply warding off a …

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Eliminate Credit Card Debt in 5 Easy Steps

Getting out of debt actually isn’t any harder than falling into debt, but it does take more time. In this video,‘s Erica Sandberg explains the steps you can take to be rid of your debts in just five key money moves. To summarize: Stop using those credit cards, don’t add to your debt Sell …

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