Years ago, Psychologist Ulric Neisser filmed a video of two teams of students passing a basketball back and forth, and superimposed another video of a girl with an umbrella walking right through the center of the screen. When he asked subjects in his study to count the number of times the ball was passed, an …
Category: get out of debt
Ways to Get Out of Debt For 2015
If you are trapped behind mountains of debt with no end in sight, selling investments acquired in previous years can provide you an opportunity to gain control of your finances. From stocks to bonds to real estate, investments intended for the future can be used to fix a current financial hardship. It is important to …
3 Signs That You Need to Seek Help for Your Debt Problem
Admitting that you need help is the first and hardest step in your journey to become free of debt. Unmanageable levels of debt can leave you feeling helpless, but there is always assistance available to help you get out of debt. If you think you might be struggling, here are 3 tell-tale signs that you …
The Most Important Part of Getting Out of Debt: Staying Out of Debt
John’s story is unfortunately typical: A few years after graduating university, he found himself in a large amount of debt, the result of living beyond his means after getting his first, entry-level job. He convinced his parents to co-sign a debt consolidation loan to zero-out his credit card balances and put all of his debt …
Increasing Debt And What You Can Do About It
Countless people from all backgrounds are struggling with debt, and this situation places significant stress on family relationships, marriages, and overall quality of life. Recent economic conditions have made household debt even more commonplace. Many individuals research information on methods of easing the debt burden, and several tips are effective for reducing monthly payments and …
Time to Get Out of Debt: What Are the Options on Hand to Ditch the Debt Trap?
Everybody is sacred of the four letter word debt. Yet, circumstances arise when one gets trapped in a nasty cycle of credit card debt. Particularly after the huge monetary havoc of 2008, loads of people have struggling with an incredible amount of credit card debt. Times are tough and it’s not very surprising to see …
5 Tips to Avoid Debt
Debt can be an extremely worrying and daunting experience and almost everyone will be affected by it in some way sometime in their lives. If debt isn’t managed correctly it can easily spiral out of control. With the right information and no how, it is possible to maintain and handle so here are five great …
Now What? (Getting Out of Debt)
Getting out of debt is not an easy task. First you have to recognize that you are in debt – and then you’ll need to do something about it. Many of us never get past the recognition part. We just live day in and day out – paycheck to paycheck, buying and charging without a …
Recognizing the Problem (Your Debt) 1/5
Before I decided to get out of debt, I was living a pretty delusional life of high-interest cash advances, credit cards and spendthrift ways. I was basically in denial of my debt and unable to recognize I even had a problem. Now, I am no dummy even though I have done some pretty stupid things …
Series on Getting Out of Debt
Over the next few weeks, we would like to do a 5-part series on the steps you need to take to get out of debt. We believe that by following through in these areas, you will be able to face your debt head-on and find yourself on the road from debt-broke to debt-free! Our series …