Category: financial management

Don’t Forget to Save

No matter how badly you want to get out of debt, not every extra penny you make should go towards paying off debt. Regardless of how much in hock you are to your credit card companies and student lenders, you need to have some of your income dedicated to savings in some form. Believe it or …

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Save Money or Pay Down Debt? It’s Not Either-Or

You’ve got a good budget, which leaves you with a little extra money left over after paying your bills. Or you come into a windfall. What should you do with that extra cash? Should you lower your debt or sock it away in savings? This is one of the most frequently asked personal finance questions, and for …

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You Need a Budget

You can’t get out of debt without a budget, plain and simple. You need to account for every penny you earn and every penny you spend. At the end of the day, you need to spend less than you earn and apply the difference to your savings and debt reduction. Creating a budget is easy, …

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Paying Off Debt is the Best Investment

Today the Dow Jones Average dropped more than 500 points and stock markets have now wiped out all of their gains for the year. That leaves most investors (if they’re lucky) right back at where they started for the year, and fretting about more potential losses to follow. Those families fortunate enough to have investments are now struggling …

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