Category: debts

Total Debt to Surpass Amount Before Great Recession

I came across this troubling new report by NerdWallet on the trend for American debt to soon surpass totals owed prior to the Great Recession. What’s most disturbing is that credit card debt is continuing to climb and is almost at the peak reached (per person) in 2008. Here’s a look at total US debt …

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5 Biggest Causes For a Person’s Spiral Into Debt

Debts can result in disastrous consequences in the lives of individuals. Debt has the capacity of consuming assets, hurting relationships and causing mental instability. There are many reasons that people fall into debt. Although there are many effective programs that can help with eliminating debt like debt settlement, debt consolidation, etc. it is important to …

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3 Signs That You Need to Seek Help for Your Debt Problem

Admitting that you need help is the first and hardest step in your journey to become free of debt. Unmanageable levels of debt can leave you feeling helpless, but there is always assistance available to help you get out of debt. If you think you might be struggling, here are 3 tell-tale signs that you …

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The Most Important Part of Getting Out of Debt: Staying Out of Debt

John’s story is unfortunately typical: A few years after graduating university, he found himself in a large amount of debt, the result of living beyond his means after getting his first, entry-level job. He convinced his parents to co-sign a debt consolidation loan to zero-out his credit card balances and put all of his debt …

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Increasing Debt And What You Can Do About It

Countless people from all backgrounds are struggling with debt, and this situation places significant stress on family relationships, marriages, and overall quality of life. Recent economic conditions have made household debt even more commonplace. Many individuals research information on methods of easing the debt burden, and several tips are effective for reducing monthly payments and …

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Recognizing the Problem (Your Debt) 1/5

Before I decided to get out of debt, I was living a pretty delusional life of high-interest cash advances, credit cards and spendthrift ways. I was basically in denial of my debt and unable to recognize I even had a problem. Now, I am no dummy even though I have done some pretty stupid things …

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Series on Getting Out of Debt

Over the next few weeks, we would like to do a 5-part series on the steps you need to take to get out of debt. We believe that by following through in these areas, you will be able to face your debt head-on and find yourself on the road from debt-broke to debt-free! Our series …

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You Need a Budget

You can’t get out of debt without a budget, plain and simple. You need to account for every penny you earn and every penny you spend. At the end of the day, you need to spend less than you earn and apply the difference to your savings and debt reduction. Creating a budget is easy, …

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